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Dog Grooming

Tranquility Grooming Spa

Our dog groomers are certified and trained dog lovers that will give your Fur Baby the best grooming experience they ever had.

Cleopatra Delight 

Pamper in royalty with a blueberry facial, soothing massage followed by Madra Mor mud mask and warm towels. Rock Star Treatment and Maximus Pawdicure. Before your poochie leaves the spa disposable booties will be used so the paws will stay perfect.

Maximus Pawdicure 

Paws need the best protection possible. Fungus likes to grow on paws which starts excessive licking.  Using a 5 step system the problem can be prevented. Sanitation of the paw, paw soak, mud mask, massage with essential oils,and paw wax

Before your poochie leaves the spa disposable booties will be used so the paws will stay perfect.

Rock Star Treatment 

Everyone wants a Hollywood smile. Time to clean and  brighten the teeth. Using the PLaq System plaque is dissolved and brushed away. Teeth are polished to perfection leaving the gums healthy and breath smelling great.

Tranquility Grooming Spa
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